Welcome to Xrt Games Athletics

XG Athletics is a sports marketing and branding company that specializes in the creative concepting of sports products and accessories. XG Athletics has combined the ideal blend of competition sports and apparel exclusivity to extend motivation across the world of athletics. Xrt Games feature various exhibition games aimed to display physical performance skills while providing enjoyment for spectators.        

Xrt Games are geared to bring entertainment to sports fans worldwide 

Xrt Games are a variety of original physical performance activities that are played in exhibition format with group participation. Xrt Games will showcase sport entertainment activities that will feature male and female, adult and child competition events; Where we will see one active athlete’s strongest skill sets versus an opposing active athlete’s strongest skill sets. Skill sets that are a part of Xrt Games include precision, balance, power, flexibility, agility, etc…  

X-rt (x-ert) verb. – 1. To put into vigorous action; put forth (strength, ability). 
2. To make an effort to do something. 

Xrt Games’ main objectives are to inspire athletic performance and to provide entertainment for sports fans worldwide. Applying persistence creates upwards progression and fuels readiness.            

XG Athletics was founded in 2018.

(File Number: 14308) 
– Field of Play

AIMBOW SPORTS is a field activity involving Competitors maneuvering within a given playing area for the purpose of accumulating a point total in as less time as possible.                                                         

AIMBOW SPORTS is currently pending patent status. 

SSOTT (File Number: 14112)
– Field of Play

SSOTT (Toss; spelled backwards) is a field event involving putting a 2.5lbs to 12lbs spherical object – backwards toss – as far as possible within a given playing area.

SSOTT is a
 registered entity of XG Athletics LLC.

(File Number: 14308)
– Regulations

* Competitors will thrust a spherical object forward in an attempt to Knock Down a respective Target. Each Knock Down (KD) equals 10 points. Back-to-back Knock Downs (2KD) equals 20 points plus 10. Back-to-back to back Knock Downs (3KD) equals 40 points plus 20. Making contact with a Target without a Knock Down is called a Technical Knock Down (TKD); worth 5 points. 

* An Aimball (Spherical object weighing 7 to 8 Onces) is positioned in front of Flagmark A, Flagmark B and Flagmark C before the start of each round.

– Aimball: Spherical object weighing 7 to 8 Onces

– Each Target Stand is 3 foot 9 1/2 inches tall

– Each Target weighs about 3 1/2lbs

– KD (Knock Down) = 10 points

– 2KD (Back-to-back Knock Downs) = 20 points + 10

– 3KD (Back-to-back-to-back Knock Downs) = 40 points + 20

– TKD (Technical Knock Down) = 5 points

SSOTT (File Number: 14112)
– Regulations

* Competitors will align within The Toss Zone (Horizontal space between 4 white ground Flagmarks; 14 feet wide) facing away from The Field of Play (Space between orange ground Flagmarks; 14×80 feet). 

* An Active Competitor will grab The Toss (Spherical object weighing 2.5lbs to 12lbs) using The Toss Wing (Arm opposite of The Field of Play; used to handle The Toss) to rest it on The Plant Leg (Leg closest to The Field of Play when The Competitor is set to play). 
* The Active Competitor will assume a straddle stance without overstepping The Toss Zone Benchmark (On field line that extends from one side of The Toss Zone to the opposite side) while pressing The Toss on to The Plant Leg while getting set to play.  

* When set, The Active Competitor will take one wide backwards step using The Land Leg (Leg opposite of The Plant Leg; used to gain backwards position within The Toss Zone during play) while simultaneously turning 90 degrees into Down Set Position (Position where the knees are bent, and the upper body is brought forward with The Toss lowered to the ground) and thrusting The Toss backwards overhead as far as possible.  

(File Number: 14308)
– Regulations 2

AIMBOW SPORTS is played in rounds. Each ascending round consist of Flagmarks (ORANGE) being positioned two feet further than the previous round. Active Competitors are allowed three attempts per round to score a Knock Down. 

* Competitors are required to begin play behind The Starting Flagmark (WHITE) for each round. Each Sarting Flagmark (WHITE) is positioned 10 feet from Flagmark A (ORANGE) within each Flagmark Group (ORANGE).  

* An Active Competitor should be eyeing the first Target while maneuvering towards Flagmark A.  
/ Once upon Flagmark A, First, The Competitor must be sure to remain positioned behind The Flagmark, second, The Competitor must reach down to retrieve Aimball 1.

/Getting set to throw, First, The Competitor is required to leave one foot positioned behind any given Flagmark, next, The Competitor is allowed to take one stride step pass The Flagmark within throwing motion. 

– ROUND 1: Consist of Flagmarks (ORANGE) being positioned 40 ft from each Target Stand; Flagmark A, Flagmark B, Flagmark C

– ROUND 2: Consist of Flagmarks (ORANGE) being positioned 42 ft from each Target Stand; Flagmark A, Flagmark B, Flagmark C

– ROUND 3: Consist of Flagmarks (ORANGE) being positioned 44 ft from each Target Stand; Flagmark A, Flagmark B, Flagmark C 

– ROUND 4: Consist of Flagmarks (ORANGE) being positioned 46 ft from each Target Stand; Flagmark A, Flagmark B, Flagmark C

– ROUND 5: Consist of Flagmarks (ORANGE) being positioned 48 ft from each Target Stand; Flagmark A, Flagmark B, Flagmark C

– ROUND 6: Consist of Flagmarks (ORANGE) being positioned 50 ft from each Target Stand; Flagmark A, Flagmark B, Flagmark C

*In the event of two or more Competitors accumulating the same point total, Competitors will then be judged on time duration, with a focus on as less time as poss. 

SSOTT (File Number: 14112)
– Regulations 2

SSOTT is played in rounds. Each round, Competitors are allowed one opportunity to display balance, shoulder power and hip flexibility by gaining proper backwards positioning and thrusting The Toss backwards overhead as far as possible.    

* During play, once The Toss is released backwards overhead, The Competitor is required to Stick The Landing (Straddled stance where The Competitor’s Plant Leg remains planted without stumbling or losing balance).    

* Competitors are not allowed to move or step-on The Toss Zone Benchmark Line while maneuvering into Down Set Position.  

* After being released backwards overhead, The Toss must place or drop within The Field of Play (14×80 feet space) to be counted.
/ The Toss placed outside of The Field of Play will not be counted. 

– The Toss: Spherical object weighing 2.5lbs to 12lbs 

– Toss Zone: Horizontal space between 4 white ground Flagmarks; 14 feet wide

– Toss Zone Benchmark: On field line that extends from one side of The Toss Zone to the other side

– Toss Limit Area: Vertical space between 4 white ground Flagmarks; 3 feet in length 

– The Field of Play: Space between orange ground Flagmarks; 14×80 feet

– Plant Leg: Leg closest to The Field of Play when The Competitor is set to play

– Land Leg: Leg opposite of The Plant Leg; used to gain backwards position within The Toss Zone during play

– Toss Wing: Arm opposite of The Field of Play; used to handle The Toss

– Balance Wing: Arm closest to The Field of Play when The Competitor is set to play; used for balancing body weight

– Down Set Position: Position where the knees are bent, and the upper body is brought forward with The Toss lowered to the ground

– Stick The Landing: Straddled stance where The Competitor’s Plant Leg remains planted without stumbling or losing balance    

Official Slogan

     As the official slogan for XG Athletics, ‘CLOCK IN AND SHOW UP’ is a communication unit for athletes worldwide. ‘CLOCK IN AND SHOW UP’ boosts motivation to increase reps during practice sessions. Compiling hours upon hours of training requires profound vision and motivation. Becoming well versed in a particular craft builds productivity and adds market value. 
     ‘CLOCK IN AND SHOW UP’ fuels intensity for optimal output while performing. Combining mental focus with physical toughness epitomizes what ‘CLOCK IN AND SHOW UP’ represents. 

Official Logo

     As the official logo for XG Athletics, ‘The Gradual Incline’ above the fused XG represents gradual progress. Success is a gradual process. We gradually progress towards our end-game of success through phases and getting started is the first phase. You are successful the second you get started this is just the first phase. 
     Step by step progression is the most effective way to accomplish any goal. Prioritizing time for practice will make accomplishing a particular goal for realistic.     

Xrt Games Skate

‘XG Skate‘ is an additional brand of XG Athletics LLC involving skate performance activities performed within a public setting.

– ‘XG Skate‘ performances involve single athletic skate performances 
– ‘XG Skate‘ performances involve group athletic skate performances

XG Fitness

     Creative Outdoor Cardio Training. Participants benefit from outdoor fitness routines by utilizing more space. Another benefit of outdoor fitness routines is lessening the likelihood of the spread of germs. Also:
– Vitamin D exposure from sunlight
– Stress reduction
– Lower risk of respiratory concerns